United Methodist Church
of Rancho Cordova
of Rancho Cordova
Lenten Opportunities

Lent is the forty days ahead of Easter. Lent is a time of reflection, contemplation, and intentional movement toward God. It is preparation to face the cross at Good Friday and the key to experiencing the joy of Jesus' resurrection on Easter Sunday. Lent begins on Ash Wednesday in a quiet time of worship, with the imposition of ashes.
Some choose to participate in spiritual practices. Some choose to slow down a bit, others consider adding a specific spiritual discipline to their days, such as: prayer, personal sacrifice, extra Bible study, daily devotions, daily silence, or by adding community service to their routine.
Some choose to participate in spiritual practices. Some choose to slow down a bit, others consider adding a specific spiritual discipline to their days, such as: prayer, personal sacrifice, extra Bible study, daily devotions, daily silence, or by adding community service to their routine.
Our hope is that you will seek and experience God's love, care, and guidance during this important season.
Lenten Activities
Creative Opportunities
Saturday, March 8 at 10 AM
Your Life Spiral Workshop with
Pastor Carolee Catterall
Saturday, April 12 at 10 AM
Creative Cross Making Workshop with
Pastor Carolee Catterall
Saturday, March 8 at 10 AM
Your Life Spiral Workshop with
Pastor Carolee Catterall
Saturday, April 12 at 10 AM
Creative Cross Making Workshop with
Pastor Carolee Catterall
The church provides each family with a daily devotional book throughout the season.
The church provides each family with a daily devotional book throughout the season.
Worship Opportunities
Each Sunday Worship at 10 AM & Children's Church
Wednesday, March 5 at 7 PM
Ash Wednesday Worship in
the chapel
Sunday, April 13 at 10 AM Palm Sunday Worship
Thursday, April 17 at 6 PM Maundy Thursday Service in the Chapel
Friday, April 18 at 6 PM Good Friday Service in the Chapel
Sunday, April 20 at 6:15 AM Easter Morning Sunrise Service at the firepit on the church campus
10 AM Easter Worship Celebration
Each Sunday Worship at 10 AM & Children's Church
Wednesday, March 5 at 7 PM
Ash Wednesday Worship in
the chapel
Sunday, April 13 at 10 AM Palm Sunday Worship
Thursday, April 17 at 6 PM Maundy Thursday Service in the Chapel
Friday, April 18 at 6 PM Good Friday Service in the Chapel
Sunday, April 20 at 6:15 AM Easter Morning Sunrise Service at the firepit on the church campus
10 AM Easter Worship Celebration