How it all started...
Sixty years ago the community of Rancho Cordova wasn't yet a city, but it was an up-and-coming military community that was ready for a new United Methodist Church. In partnership with the California Nevada Annual Conference of the United Methodist Church, the people of Rancho Cordova, and a visionary pastor, property was purchased and a small chapel was built. Eventually, the early members dreamed of building a large sanctuary for worship on the front section of the property, across from Mitchell Middle School.
As the community grew with the military base and Aerojet, the little church grew! More services were added and they continued to put off building the big church and continued to use the sweet little chapel. Families abounded, a 20's/30's ministry was added, the Sunday School and Youth Group were bursting at the seams! A fellowship hall was built and an education building was added. But they never did get around to building that big sanctuary on the front of of the property.
That was okay, because many things happened in Rancho Cordova that shaped this little church's story.
After the boom of the 50's and 60's the local defense industry floundered and Aerojet started moving their operations elsewhere. After years of reducing services, Mather AFB closed in 2012. Sadly, many of our church families began to relocate for work, as well.
Suddenly, the people of the United Methodist Church of Rancho Cordova filled their little chapel to "just right" and they discovered new ways to utilize the expansive property, adding a fire-ring and seating area, a beautiful outdoor patio, amphitheater, and a flourishing vegetable garden.
In 1981 the Living Nativity was born. With a full set, live animals, and elaborate costumes, the Nativity became the church's gift to the surrounding community at Christmas time.
In this same time-frame the monthly "Be Our Guest" community dinner was born, bringing people together around a nourishing and delicious hot meal.
They also adopted a Reconciling Statement in 2018. You will find the reconciling statement on the "I'm New" Page.
The Living Nativity, Be Our Guest Dinner, and our commitment to Reconciling Ministries continue to this day.
By 2019 the call to feed hungry people became a compelling vision. And by 2020 the church had found deep meaning in feeding the local community. Still, they dreamed about doing more. In 2020 The People's Pantry was born. By 2021 the pantry was in partnership with The Sacramento Food Bank and other religious organizations in the area and feeding the community at a large-scale food distribution once a month, even through the pandemic.
* * *
The church weathered the pandemic with grace, YouTube, and Zoom. We are still alive and well in the community. Yes, life has not quite returned to "normal" whatever that was. But we continue to follow Jesus, feed hungry people, love our neighbors, and grow in faith!
As the community grew with the military base and Aerojet, the little church grew! More services were added and they continued to put off building the big church and continued to use the sweet little chapel. Families abounded, a 20's/30's ministry was added, the Sunday School and Youth Group were bursting at the seams! A fellowship hall was built and an education building was added. But they never did get around to building that big sanctuary on the front of of the property.
That was okay, because many things happened in Rancho Cordova that shaped this little church's story.
After the boom of the 50's and 60's the local defense industry floundered and Aerojet started moving their operations elsewhere. After years of reducing services, Mather AFB closed in 2012. Sadly, many of our church families began to relocate for work, as well.
Suddenly, the people of the United Methodist Church of Rancho Cordova filled their little chapel to "just right" and they discovered new ways to utilize the expansive property, adding a fire-ring and seating area, a beautiful outdoor patio, amphitheater, and a flourishing vegetable garden.
In 1981 the Living Nativity was born. With a full set, live animals, and elaborate costumes, the Nativity became the church's gift to the surrounding community at Christmas time.
In this same time-frame the monthly "Be Our Guest" community dinner was born, bringing people together around a nourishing and delicious hot meal.
They also adopted a Reconciling Statement in 2018. You will find the reconciling statement on the "I'm New" Page.
The Living Nativity, Be Our Guest Dinner, and our commitment to Reconciling Ministries continue to this day.
By 2019 the call to feed hungry people became a compelling vision. And by 2020 the church had found deep meaning in feeding the local community. Still, they dreamed about doing more. In 2020 The People's Pantry was born. By 2021 the pantry was in partnership with The Sacramento Food Bank and other religious organizations in the area and feeding the community at a large-scale food distribution once a month, even through the pandemic.
* * *
The church weathered the pandemic with grace, YouTube, and Zoom. We are still alive and well in the community. Yes, life has not quite returned to "normal" whatever that was. But we continue to follow Jesus, feed hungry people, love our neighbors, and grow in faith!

What does the Lord require of us? To do Justice, Love Kindness, and Walk Humbly with our God. (Micah 6:8)
Be a part of our story...
Join us every Sunday as we gather to worship together at 10 AM and on the 2nd Friday Evening at 5:30 PM.